login script
The shell program that runs at each login, and sets the login environ-
ment for your system.
menu bar
An area at the top or bottom of a window that contain the titles of the
pull–down or pop–up menus for that application.
minimize button
In HP VUE, a push button on the window frame that turns a screen
into an icon. See also icon, iconize.
mouse pointer
See pointer.
A character string associated with a file, directory, or link. A name
can include various alphanumeric characters, but never a slash (/) or
null character. See also pathname.
Two or more workstations sharing information. See also cluster,
network controller
A printed circuit board that passes bit streams between the network
and the main memory of the workstation. Coupled with the network
transceiver, the controller also handles signal processing, encoding,
and network media access.