For installation on a system requiring short file names
/dev/rmt/c#t#d#f0 AT&T style, best available density,
character entry, rw–rw–rw
/dev/rmt/c#t#d#f0b Berkeley style, best available density
character entry, rw–rw–rw
/dev/rmt/c#t#d#f0n AT&T style, no rewind, best available
density, character entry, rw–rw–rw
/dev/rmt/c#t#d#f0nb Berkeley style, no rewind, best available
density, character entry, rw–rw–rw
IP Address and Subnetwork Mask InformationGet the IP address and the subnet mask information for your worksta-
tion from either your system administrator or your network adminis-
trator and note them here:
IP address ______________________________________________
subnet mask _____________________________________________