The MONITOR INFORMATION table reappears with the new moni-
tor shown in slot 0.
Slot # HPA State Resolution Frequency Class
––––––––– –––––––––– ––––––– –––––––––– ––––––––– –––––––
graphics0 f8000000 Present 1024x768 75Hz
graphics1 f4000000 Present Fixed
graphics2 f6000000 Empty
graphics3 fa000000 Present 1280x1024 72Hz
Current Console Path: core.RS232_.9600.8.none
Stable Store Console Path: GRAPHICS0
Trying to change the monitor type on a slot that cannot support that
monitor results in a warning, as shown in the following example:
Configuration Menu: Enter command > monitor graphics1 Enter
Reminder: SGIC only supports one type of monitor.
Changing its monitor type will not have any effect.
Slot # HPA State Resolution Frequency Class
––––––––– –––––––––– ––––––– –––––––––– ––––––––– –––––––
graphics0 f8000000 Present 1024x768 75Hz
graphics1 f4000000 Present Fixed
graphics2 f6000000 Empty
graphics3 fa000000 Present 1280x1024 72Hz
Current Console Path: core.RS232_.9600.8.none
Stable Store Console Path: GRAPHICS0