A terminal window opens.
2. Move the mouse cursor into the terminal window and click the
left mouse button.
3. Enter the following at the prompt:
cstm Enter
The following screen appears:
Support Tool Manager Version A.01.00
Type ’help’ for a list of available commands.
At the CSTM> prompt, you can enter several commands. To see
what commands are available, type the help command.
4. To verify the system operation, type the following at the CSTM>
CSTM> verify all Enter
Messages similar to the following appear:
Verification has started on device (CPU).
Verification has started on device (FPU).
CSTM>Verification of (FPU) has completed.
CSTM>Verification of (CPU) has completed.
5. Press Enter to return to the CSTM> prompt after all test results
are reported.