connecting the second power supply to a different external power source circuit than the first power supply eliminates power as a single point of failure. The POWER 1 and 2 LEDs illuminate indicating power 1 and 2, respectively, are on. Either LED not illuminated indicates a defective power source and immediate replacement is required to insure redundant power integrity.
2.Connect one network device duplex-SC plug to the FIBERtap™ duplex-SC B OUT and A IN connector.
3.Connect the other network device duplex-SC plug to the FIBERtap™ duplex-SC A OUT and B IN connector.
4.Using either a DRL490-2m (62.5 micron for SX) Cable or a DRL491-2m (9 micron for LX) Cable, connect the FIBERtap™ duplex-SC A OUT and B OUT connector to both of the VERSAstream™ duplex-LC NETWORK ports. The LED associated with each NETWORK duplex-LC jack is solid green indicating light sig- nal has been detected on the Rx NETWORK ports.
5.Connect analysis devices to the VERSAstream™ duplex-LC MONITOR ports. Two DRL494–2m cables are provided to connect analysis SC ports to the duplex-LC MON- ITOR ports. The LED associated with each MONITOR duplex-LC jack is solid green indicating when light signal has been detected on the respective Rx MONITOR port.
Primary/Redundant Router Application — shown in Figure
15, focuses on monitoring and analyzis of the SPAN output of a Primary and Redundant network aggregated into one single stream of data. This VS-1022SX-SX is similiar to other VERSAstream™ SPAN series installations:
Figure 15 - VS-1022BT-BT Hardware Installation
SPAN and Multi-Link Aggregators/Regenerators • USERguide