Vertical Position
Line FeedLF
This command prints the input buffer information and advances the paper to the next line. Total Feed Length = Vertical size of the current font + Text Line Spacing
A Carriage Return (CR) is also performed to place the current print position at the beginning of the next line.
Control Code: | LF |
Hexadecimal: | 0A |
Decimal : | 10 |
Variable Size Line Feed | ESC J n |
This command moves the paper forward as per the distance specified by the parameter n x 0.125mm. 0 ≤ n ≤ 255. A Carriage Return (CR) is also performed to place the current print position at the beginning of the next line.
Example: The following escape sequence advances the paper ten millimeters. Each dot is 0.125mm so to advance the paper 10mm, the n parameter is 80 (10 / 0.125).
Escape Sequence: | ESC | J | P |
Hexadecimal: | 1B | 4A | 50 |
Decimal: | 27 | 74 | 80 |
Variable Size Reverse Line Feed | ESC Q J n |
This command moves the paper in reverse direction as per the distance specified by the parameter n x 0.125mm. 0 ≤ n ≤ 255. A Carriage Return (CR) is also performed to place the current print position at the beginning of the next line.
Example: The following escape sequence moves the paper in the reverse direction ten millimeters. Each dot is 0.125mm so to reverse the paper 10mm, the n parameter is 80 (10 / 0.125).
Escape Sequence: | ESC | Q | J | P |
Hexadecimal: | 1B | 51 | 4A | 50 |
Decimal: | 27 | 81 | 74 | 80 |
Vertical Tab | VT |
This command advances the cursor the number of dot lines specified in the Vertical Margin command (below). A Carriage Return (CR) is also performed to place the current print position at the beginning of the next line.
Control Code: VT
Hexadecimal: 0B