Do you want to upload the report on request to Dell Technical Support after the report is generated [yn]:

8.If CIMOM already exists, DSET validates the CIMOM in the following order:

a.Credential-less CIMOM authentication

b.If Credential-less CIMOM authentication is not successful, enter the root credentials of the system when the following message is displayed: Please enter "root" password:

The data collection starts, the report is generated and saved as specified in step 5. If you chose to automatically upload the report, the report is uploaded and the Report uploaded successfully message is displayed.

To view the report, see Viewing DSET Report section in the user's guide.

Creating One-time Local System DSET Report Silently

For silent Zero Footprint report collection, run the command:

dell-dset-lx(bit)-(Version Number).bin –qn -d <options> -r <reportname> -v <yes/no> -p <password> -a<auto>:

NOTE: The -poption must be included in the command to collect the report.

NOTE: The -v yes option filters data from the report. For the list of data that is filtered, see the “Report Filtering” section in the Dell System E-Support Tool (DSET) User's Guide.

Permanently Installing DSET Application On Linux Operating System

You can install or upgrade the following components:

DSET and Remote Provider


Remote Provider

NOTE: You must be logged in as root to install DSET application.

1.At the Linux shell prompt, run the ./dell-dset-lx(bit)-(Version Number).bin file. The License Agreement is displayed along with the following message:

Do you agree to the above license terms? ('y' for yes 'Enter' to exit):

2.Enter y.

The installation types are displayed. The following table provides the installation types: Table 6. :Installation Types


Installation Option






Install/Upgrade DSET and Remote

Select this option to permanently install


Provider (Recommended)

DSET and Remote Provider to generate



reports for local and remote systems


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Dell 3.7.0 manual Creating One-time Local System Dset Report Silently, Credential-less Cimom authentication