5Click the COM port for your modem.
6Click Properties, click the Diagnostics tab, and then click Query Modem to verify that the modem is communicating with Windows.
If all commands receive responses, the modem is operating properly.
E N S U R E T H A T Y O U A R E C O N N E C T E D T O T H E I N T E R N E T — Ensure that you have
subscribed to an Internet service provider. With the Windows® Mail
S C A N T H E C O M P U T E R F O R S P Y W A R E — If you are experiencing slow computer performance, you frequently receive
Error Messages
Fill out the "Diagnostics Checklist" on page 178 as you complete these checks.
CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the Product Information Guide.
If the message is not listed, see the documentation for the operating system or the program that was running when the message appeared.
A U X I L I A R Y D E V I C E F A I L U R E — The touch pad or external mouse may be faulty. For an external mouse, check the cable connection. Enable the Pointing Device option in the system setup program (see "Using the System Setup Program" on page 189). If the problem persists, contact Dell (see "Contacting Dell" on page 179).
B A D C O M M A N D O R F I L E N A M E — Ensure that you have spelled the command correctly, put spaces in the proper place, and used the correct pathname.
C A C H E D I S A B L E D D U E T O F A I L U R E — The primary cache internal to the microprocessor has failed. Contact Dell (see "Contacting Dell" on page 179).