9 Testing Procedures

Functional Testing

The Power-up Check, Latch/Lock Check and Cassette Sensor Check using a Medication Cassette reservoir or CADD® administration set can be performed with the pump in any of the four delivery modes.

The Cassette Sensor Check using the CADD-Prizm®high volume administration set can be performed in any delivery mode except the PCA delivery mode.

Power-up Check

Insert a battery in the pump and observe the LCD during power up.

Error code

Pump model number

C A D D - P R I Z M








Terminal Serial number

Software revision level



The number values may vary depending on the current mode and software revision.

If “lec XXXXX” (last error code with 5 digit number) appears on the display prior to the pump reviewing the current program settings, the pump has experienced an electrical or mechanical fault and should be returned for service. If no error message is immediately shown, the pump has powered up normally. The pump should sequentially display all of the programmed values. The words “Self Test Complete” should appear, then the text “Power Up Successful” with six audible beeps. Continue with the Latch/Lock check.

Latch/Lock Check

Attach a 50- or 100-ml Medication Cassette reservoir or a CADD® administration set to the pump. The mark on the latch should be aligned with the solid dot. The display should show that the reservoir or administration set is latched. See Table 13.

Reservoir Latched

The Medication


Cassette reservoir has


been latched onto the





Admin set Latched

The CADD® adminis-


tration set has been


latched onto the pump.



High Volume

The CADD-Prizm®

Admin Set Latched

high volume adminis-

(excluding PCA

tration set has been

delivery mode)

latched onto the pump.




Table 13.


Lock the device by inserting a key into the lock and turning counterclockwise until the mark lines up with the solid dot. The display should show “Cassette Locked.”

Unlock the device by inserting a key into the lock and turning clockwise until the mark lines up with the open dot. The display should show “Cassette Unlocked.”

Unlatch the reservoir by inserting a coin into the latch slot and turning clockwise until the mark lines up with the open dot. The display should show “Cassette Unlatched / Close Clamp to Prevent Free Flow.”

Cassette Sensor Check

Attach a 50- or 100-ml Medication Cassette reservoir to the pump. Latch the cassette to the pump. The display should show “Reser- voir latched.” NOTE: The message displayed depends on the type of reservoir or adminis- tration set attached. See Table 13.

Lock the device by inserting a key into the lock and turning counterclockwise until the mark lines up with the solid dot. The display should show “Cassette Locked.”

Unlock the cassette. The display should show “Cassette Unlocked.” Unlatch the cassette. The display should show “Cassette Unlatched / Close Clamp To Prevent Free Flow.”