O v e r v i e w
Linux kernel sources
The LxNETES package contains the complete source code of the Linux kernel. This allows you to configure, modify, and create a custom kernel to your specific embedded system’s needs. Although the kernel sources are the official distribution, some modifications have been made to adapt the sources to the supported platforms.
Template project
The philosophy of work in LxNETES environment is linked to the idea of ‘projects’. A project is actually a folder which contains the custom system for a specific target. This folder will contain:
The specific kernel configuration
The root file system, directory structure, and files
The applications compiled
With one simple command, the compilation process takes care of compiling the kernel, the applications, generating the target’s file system, and compressing into the final binary images. The compilation process take place within the project folder with normal user permissions.
Example applications
As part of the project template, several example applications are included with complete source code. These examples can be used as templates for your future software applications. They are distributed in an environment that allows you to compile them for either of the following systems:
The target development system (default)
The target development system with debug information
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