D e b u g g i n g a p p l i c a t i o n s
Included pre-built applications
The sources for the included applications can be found in the software folder on the LxNETES CD.
Shell applications: busybox
The “busybox” includes all standard shell applications like “cat”, “chmod”, “echo”, “mount”, “sh” and some more. They are linked into one static application to save flash memory, at the cost of a larger RAM footprint for each application, so this is not recommended for daemons. LxNETES has stripped off the less important applications in order to obtain a small busybox binary.
Telnet daemon: utelnetd
Utelnetd is a small telnet daemon. It is launched by “init”. For login use the Telnet on our host computer to connect to the target.
You don’t need to provide username or password.
Web server: Boa
Boa is a small
Debug server: gdbserver
With gdbserver it is possible to debug on a remote machine while the debugger itself runs on the host system.
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