S y s t e m R e q u i r e m e n t s / P r e r e q u i s i t e s
DOS or
Optional but recommended components:
Qt3 development tools
For using LxNETES, a recent Linux distribution based on GNU C Library glibc version
2.3(a free implementation of the Standard C Library) is needed. To find out which glibc version is installed on your system use the following commands:
$ ldd
$ ls
Please make sure that you use GNU Make version 3.80 or later. Check yours with the following command:
$ make
Check the versions of required applications with these commands:
$ gcc
$ autoconf
Disk space
The LxNETES installation needs 400 MB of free disk space. Every project you create needs another 100 MB free disk space. The LxNETES installation and the projects can be located on different hard disks.
Check if there is enough space available on your drive by executing the following command:
$ df
The “df” command displays the amount of disk space available. The option h displays the space. For detailed information read the man page of “df”.
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