ADSL Router User Manual
Unnumbered IP over ATM (IPoA)+NAT
If you apply for multiple IP add resses from your ISP, you can assign these public IP
addresses to the ADSL Router and public se rver, e.g., Web or FTP server. Typically
the first IP is netwo rk address, the second is used as router IP address and the last
one is subnet broa dcasting. Other remai ning IP addresses can be assigned to PCs
on the LAN.
The following example uses the IP address ranging from 10.11.80. 81 to
and the subnet mask is In such circumstance, we enable NAT
function but not assign any WAN IP.
1. Start your browser and type in the URL box to access ADSL
web-based manager.
2. Go to Quick Start – Quick Setup. Uncheck Auto Scan Internet Connection
(PVC). Key in the VCI and VPI value, e.g.:
VPI – 0
VCI – 32
Click the Next button.
3. On the Configure Internet Connection – Connection Ty pe page, select IP
over ATM (IPoA) then click Next.
4. On the WAN IP Settings p age, select None for WAN IP address settings.
Then, select Use the following DNS Server Address and key in the
information that your ISP offered, e.g.:
Primary DNS server:
Secondary DNS server:
5. Check the Enable NAT box. And click Next.
6. On the Configure LAN side Setting s page, key in the information for your
LAN, e.g.,
Primary IP Addres s:
Subnet mask:
Start IP Address:
End IP Address: