ADSL Router User Manual
Configure the sec
Address and Sub ondary IP
net Mask for LAN
x to set up a secondary
router if
ion, e.g.,
1 and
the mask is in the
example illustrated in the figure.
Check this bo
IP Address to connect to your
they are not included in the range that
DHCP serve r accepts. You have to
key in the information received from
your ISP for the LAN connect
the seconda ry IP is
DHCP Server O
Check this item if DHCP service i s
needed on the LAN side. The router
will assign IP address and gateway
address for e ach of your PCs.
Start IP Address & End IP Addre
Enter the information needed.
Lease Time:
Key in the duration for the time. The
default is 1day.
DHCP Server Off:
Check this item if DHCP service is not
needed on the L
Key in all the necessary settings.
Click Next for the coming page.
You can chec k the settings on
Summary page.
If you find anything incorrect, click
Back to modify the settings.
If everything is OK, click Finish to
accept these settings.
And the following pag e will appea
Now, the system will reboot to ac
the new settings that you have set in
this section.
Please wait for 2 minutes before
restartin g the router.