32 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
Problems Possible cause and remedy
4. Character s are blurred • Chec k whether the signal setting of your PC matches
the resolution and the vertical f requency settings
for the monitor. (refer to the Setup Manual “Setting
Screen Resolution”)
• Adjust using <Outline Enhancer>. (page 22)
5. Afterim ages appear • Afterimages are p articular to LCD monitors. Avoid
displaying the same image for a long time.
• Use the screen saver or power save function to avoid
displaying the same image for extended perio ds of
6. Green/red/ blue/white dots or defe ctive dots
remain on the screen.
• This is due to LCD panel characteristic s and is not a
7. Interf erence patterns or pressur e marks remain
on the screen.
• Leave the monitor with a white or black screen. Th e
symptom may disappear.
8. Noise appea rs on the screen. • When entering the signa ls of HDCP system, the
normal images may not be displayed immediately.
9. Display posit ion is incorrect. • Adjust image position using <Hor.Position> or < Ver.
Position>. (page 16)
• If the problem persists, use the gra phics board’s utility
if available to change the display position.
10. Ver tical bars appear on the sc reen or a part of the
image is ickering.
• Adjust using <Clock>. (page 16)
11. W hole screen is ickering or blur ring. • Adjust using <Phase>. (page 16)
12. U pper part of the screen is dis torted as shown
• This is caused when both compos ite sync (X-OR)
signal and separate vertical sync signal are i nput
simultaneously. Select either composite signa l or
separate signal.
13. T he adjustment menu does not ap pear. • Check wheth er the operation lock function works.
(page 25)
14. M ode menu does not appear. • Check whether the operation lock fun ction works.
(page 25)
15. T he auto adjust function does no t work correctly. • This function does not work whe n digital signal is
• This function is intended for use on th e Macintosh and
on AT-compatible PC running Windows. It may not
work properly in either of the following c ases. It does
not work properly when an image is displayed only
on a part of the screen (command prompt window,
for example) or when a black background (wallpaper,
etc.) is in use.
• This function does not work co rrectly with some
graphics boards.