No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without the prio r written permission of EIZO NANAO
EIZO NANAO CORPORATION is under no obligation to hold any submitted material or information
condential unless prior arrangements are made pursuant to EIZO NANAO CORPOR ATION’s receipt
of said information. Although every effort has been made to ensure that this m anual provides up-to-date
information, please note that EIZO monitor specications are subject to change without notice.
Apple, Mac, Macintosh, iMac , eMac, Mac OS, MacBook, PowerB ook, ColorSync, QuickTim e, and iBook are registered tradem arks of
Apple Inc.
Windows, Windows Vista, Win dows Media, SQL Server, and Xbox 360 a re registered trademarks of Micr osoft Corporation in the
United States and other countr ies.
A round gothic bold bit map font desi gned by Ricoh is used for the charac ters displayed on this product.
VESA is a registered trademark o r a trademark of the Video Electr onics Standards Associat ion in the United States and other
EIZO, the EIZO Logo, ColorEdge, DuraVision, FlexS can, FORIS, RadiForce, RadiCS, Ra diNET, Raptor, and ScreenManager are
registered trademarks of EIZO NA NAO CORPORATION in Japan and other c ountries.
ColorNavigator, EIZO EasyPIX, EcoView NE T, EIZO ScreenSlicer, i • Sound, Screen Administrator, and UniC olor Pro are trademarks
All other company and product n ames are trademarks or registere d trademarks of their respective ow ners.
[Location of Caution Statement]Ex. CG243W (Height adjustable stand)
This product has been adjusted specifically for use in the region to which it was originally shipped. If
operated outside this region, the product may not perform as stated in the specifications.
This product has acquired the TCO standard that relates to the safety, ergonomics, environment and so
forth of office equipment. For an overview of the TCO, refer to our web site.