8Chapter 1 Introduction

1-3. Utility Disk

An “EIZO LCD Utility Disk” (CD-ROM) is supplied with the mon itor. The following table shows the
disk contents and the overview of the software prog rams.
Di sk contents and software overview
The disk includes application software progra ms for adjustment, and User’s Manual. Refer to "Readme.
txt" or the "read me" le on the disk for software star tup procedures or le access procedu res.
Item Overview For
A “Readme.txt” or “read me” le √ √
ColorNavigator An application sof tware for calibrating monitor
characteristics and generating IC C proles (for Windows)
and Apple ColorSync proles (for Ma cintosh).
(A PC must be connected to the monitor with the supp lied
USB cable.) Refer to the descriotion later.
√ √
Adjustment Utility
Monitor pattern display software us ed when adjusting the
image of the analog input signal manually.
Screen adjustment
pattern les
Used when adjusting the image of the analog signal i nput
manually. If the Screen Adjustment Utility is not applic able
to your PC, use this pattern les to adjust the image.
User’s Manual (PDF le) √ √
To use ColorNavigator
Refer to the corresponding User’s Manual on the CD-ROM disk in order to in stall and use the software.
When using this software, you will ne ed to connect a PC to the monitor with the supplied USB cable. For
more information refer to the “6-3. Making Use of USB (Universal Serial Bus)” (page 37).