34 Chapter3SettingMonitor
3-9. Changing DUE (Digital Uniformity Equalizer)
The DUE setting can be changed.
Settings Function
Brightness Makesthebrightnessandcolorofth ewholescreenuniformwithoutchangingthe
maximumbrightnessandcontrastratio.Thebri ghtnessofahighgradationareaisnot
corrected.Selectthissettingtoprior itizethelevelsofthebrightnessandcontrastoverthe
Makesthebrightnessandcolorofthewholescreenu niform.Thebrightnessofahigh
graduationareaisalsocorrectedsoitisuniform.S electthissettingtoprioritizethe
uniformityoverthelevelsofthebrightnessandcontrasti nthehighgradationarea.
• To change the DUE setti ng, the adjusted monitor display must be rea djusted. Perform the target adju stment and correlation
again using ColorNavigator. Regarding ColorNavigator, see “To use ColorNavigator” (page 10).
1. Press to turn off the monitor.
2. Holding down, press for at least two seconds to turn on the monitor.
The “Optional Settings” menu appea rs.
3. Choose “DUE Pr iority” from “Optional Settings”, and press .
4. Select “Uniformit y” or “Brightness” with or , and press .
5. Select “Finish” with or .
6. Press .
3-10. Reset to default
The setting values are reset to the default setti ngs.
• After r esetting, you cannot undo the op eration.
• Regarding t he default setting, see “Main Defau lt Settings” (page 53).
●To reset the color adjustments
This function only resets the color adjustment value for the cu rrently selected mode to the default settings.
1. Choose “Color” from the Adjust ment menu, and press .
2. Choose “Color Reset” fr om “Color”, and press .
3. Select “Execute” with or .
4. Press .