Operating Instructions
Baking on several levels
Type of Cake or Pastry
Fan cooking U
Hr.: Min.
Shelf position from bottom
Temp. ÂșC
2 Levels 3 Levels
Using cake tins
Victoria Sandwich 1 + 4 -160-170 0:25-0:35
Pastry cases 1 + 4 -170-190 0:10-0:25
Using baking sheets
Short bread 1 + 4 1. 3. & 5. 140-150 0:40-0:50
Biscuits 1 + 4 1. 3. & 5. 150-170 0:15-0:25
Macaroons 1 + 4 1. 3. & 5. 140-150 0:25-0:35
Choux pastry buns 1 + 4 -160-1701
1)Pre-heat oven.
Select the lower temperature to start with, then select the higher one only if re-
Buns / cup cakes 1 + 4 1. 3. & 5. 150-16010:25-0:35
Scones 1 + 4 -190-20010:10-0:15
Sausage rolls 1 + 4 -170-18010:20-0:35