Electrolux EON 6640 manual What to do if …, 3Advice on cookers with metal fronts

Models: EON 6640

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What to do if …


Possible cause





The cooking zones are not func-

The relevant cooking zone is not

Switch on the cooking zone.


switched on.






The fuse in the domestic wiring

Check the fuse.


system (fuse box) has been tripped.





The oven will not heat.

The oven has not been switched

Switch the oven on.








The correct time has not been set.

Set the correct time.





The required settings have not

Check the settings.


been made.






The fuse in the domestic wiring

Check the fuse.


system (fuse box) has been tripped.

If the fuses are tripped repeatedly,



please call a qualified electrician.




The oven light will not come on.

The bulb has blown.

Replace the bulb.




If you cannot remedy the fault using the meas- ures described above, please contact your local dealer or our Customer Service.

1 Caution: repairs to the appliance should only be carried out by specialised repair techni- cians. Inappropriate repairs may result in seri- ous injury to the user.

In the event of damage caused by inappropriate re- pairs, the guarantee may not cover the work carried out by Customer Service technicians or by your dealer.

3Advice on cookers with metal fronts:

Because of the cold surface at the front of the cooker, opening the oven door during (or just after) baking or roasting may cause the glass to steam up.


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Electrolux EON 6640 manual What to do if …, 3Advice on cookers with metal fronts, Fault Possible cause Remedy