Section 1: Introduction | Daniel 3818 LNG Liquid Ultrasonic Meter Installation Manual |
May 2012 | |
Acronym or abbreviation | Definition |
P/N | part number |
PS | power supply (board) |
psi | pounds per square inch (pressure unit) |
psia | pounds per square inch absolute (pressure unit) |
psig | pounds per square inch gage (pressure unit) |
R | Radius |
rad | radian (angle) |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
RTS | |
| ready to receive data |
RTU MODBUS | A Modbus protocol framing format in which elapsed time between received charac- |
| ters is used to separate messages. RTU stands for Remote Terminal Unit. |
s | second (time unit, metric) |
SDRAM | Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory |
sec | second (time unit, u.s. customary) |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
time_t | seconds since Epoch (00:00:00 UTC Jan. 1, 1970) (time unit) |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
U.L. | Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. - product safety testing |
| and certification organization |
V | Volts (electric potential unit) |
W | Watts (power unit) |
4 | Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions |