Daniel 3818 LNG Liquid Ultrasonic Meter Installation Manual

Section 2: Mechanical installation

3-9000-771Rev A

May 2012




10.NEVER apply shock loads to the meter. Always lift the meter gradually. If shock loading ever occurs, the hoist ring must be inspected per manufacturer's recommendations prior to be placed in any further service. If a proper inspection cannot be performed, discard the hoist ring.

11.NEVER lift with any device, such as hooks, chains, or cables that could create side pulls that could damage the ring of the hoist ring.

12.NEVER lift more than the ultrasonic meter assembly including electronics and transducers with the hoist rings. The only exception is that it is safe to lift the meter with one ASME B16.5 or ASME B16.47 blind flange bolted to each end flange of the meter. NEVER use the hoist rings on the meter to lift other components such as meter tubes, piping or fittings attached to the meter. Doing so will exceed the load rating of the hoist rings.

13.Remove the hoist rings from the meter after lifting is completed and store them in an appropriate case or container per their manufacturer's recommendation.

14.Apply heavy lubricant or anti-seize to the threads of the plug bolts and reinstall the plug bolts to keep the tapped holes free of debris and to prevent corrosion.

How to obtain safety engineered swivel hoist rings

A list of approved manufacturers of safety engineered hoist rings is below:

American Drill Bushing Company(www.americandrillbushing.com)

Carr Lane Manufacturing Company (www.carrlane.com)

Select an approved supplier from the list below. These vendors can supply the safety- engineered hoist rings. This is not intended to be a complete list.

Fastenal (www.fastenal.com)

Reid Supply (http://www.reidsupply.com/)

The appropriate hoist rings can also be purchased directly from Daniel. The following table provides part number for reference:

Table 2-1 Hoist ring part number
Daniel partHoist ring thread size &American Drill


number1load rating1Bushing Co. P/N1Carr Lane Manufacturing Co. P/N 1


1"-8UNC, 10000 lb.







1.Note: The part number only includes one hoist ring. Two hoist rings are required for the meter.

What size safety engineered swivel hoist ring do you need?

To determine the size of the hoist rings required for your meter, use the table below for the 3818 LNG Liquid Ultrasonic Meter. The part number shown in Table 2-2is appropriately rated for the ANSI rating of your meter.

Table 2-2 Hoist ring table for Daniel 3818 LNG Liquid Ultrasonic Flow MetersANSI 300 Daniel Part Number


Use of appropriate safety engineered swivel hoist rings in meter end flanges