Model NGA 2000 HFID

Instruction Manual

760004-A February 2002

and the Purge Gas variable does not read "ON," contact factory. If the safety system is initiated successfully (Purge Gas variable is "ON"), continue with the remainder of the startup procedure.


Do not restrict the PURGE OUT port and the pressure relief valve. They must be vented to atmospheric pres- sure.

13.Manual or Auto-ignite the flame. The Flame-On green LED should be illumi- nated.

Two methods of burner ignition are possi- ble: auto-ignition and manual ignition. (Note: The burner is easier to ignite when the oven has reached the desired setpoint temperature.)

Auto-ignition provides fuel override and three attempted ignitions (default setting), if necessary.

Before ignition and operation, Fuel Flow must be set to ON in "Light Flame" display screen under Basic Controls and oven temperature must be at least 85°C.

The manual ignition switch on the Ana- lyzer Module front panel must be ma- nipulated in the following ways:

Press up and hold for one minute. This opens burner fuel and air sole- noids.

Press down to ignite burner glow plug for up to 10 seconds.

Repeat as necessary (if fuel and air sources are farther away than 10 feet, several more attempts may be neces- sary).

If the flame has been lit, but the flame temperature increases slowly, per- form the following steps:

ƒAfter igniting flame, release switch for 2 seconds

ƒ Press switch down for

2 seconds

ƒRepeat release switch and press down steps as necessary.

14.Allow the case and oven to warm up, ap- proximately 1 to 2 hours.

15.Verify that all 4 LEDs are illuminated.

16.Note the four LEDs on the front panel of the Analyzer Module. They provide nec- essary information for either ignition pro- cedure. The LEDs, when illuminated, denote the following information:

Green - unit powered on

Amber - continuous illumination im- plies oven has reached operating temp. Within ±6°C of setpoint

Green - Flame on

Green - purge air system intact (it has filled five volumes of the module inte- rior)

17.Check and re-adjust the internal pres- sures if required.

The unit is ready for operation.


To achieve full coordination between Analyzer Modules and associated I/O Modules, the user must bind those components together in the System Set Up portion of the Technical Configuration Menu in software.

Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management

Operation 3-3