Matrix DFE-Platinum Series Module Installation Guide A-1
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DFE-Diamond Module Specifications
Tabl e A‐1providestheI/Oports,processorsandmemory,physical,andenvironmentalmodule
specificationsfortheDFE modules.
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DFE-Diamond Module Specifications A-1
10-Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver Specifications (XFP) A-2
COM Port Pinout Assignments A-3
Regulatory Compliance A-4
Table A-1 Specifications
Item Specification
7KR4297-02 Ports
Ports 1 and 2 Port interface option slots that support 10GBASE XFP PHYs. Each
port can support a full 10 Gbps throughput with a maximum of 20
Gbps, when both ports are active at the same time.
7K4297-04 Ports
Ports 1 through 4 Port interface option slots that support 10GBASE XFP PHYs. Each
port can support a full 10 Gbps throughput with a maximum of 40
Gbps, when all ports are active at the same time.
Processor MPC750CX, 400 MHz processor
Dynamic Random Access Memory
256 MB
FLASH Memory 32 MB