COM Port Pinout Assignments
Matrix DFE-Platinum Series Module Installation Guide A-3
Tabl e A‐3providestheinput/outputspecificationsforeachXFPversionasspecifiedintheIEEE
ThefollowingXFPspecificationsinTabl e A‐4meetorexceedtheIEEE802.3ae‐2002standard.
COM Port Pinout AssignmentsTheCOMportisaserialcommunicationsportforlocalaccesstoLocalManagement.Referto
Tabl e A‐5fortheCOMportpinassignments.
Table A-3 XFP Fiber-Optic Specifications
Module Wavelength
Tx Power
Min/Max (avg.)
Rx Sensitivity
Min/Max (avg.)
Link Power
10GBASE-LR-XFP 1310 nm DFB -8.2 / 0.5 dBm -14.4 / 0.5 dBm 9.4 dB 2,631,579
10GBASE-ER-XFP 1550 nm EML -4.7 / 4.0 dBm -15.8 / -1.0 dBm 15 dB 2,000,000
10GBASE-ZR-XFP 1550 nm EML 0 / 4.0 dBm -25 / -7.0 dBm 18 dB 1,164,047
10GBASE-SR-XFP 850 nm VCSEL -7.3 / -1.0 dBm -9.9 / -1.0 dBm 7.3 dB 4,081,633
Table A-4 Recommended Cable Types and Specifications
Item Type Max. Reach Min. Reach1
1. The limiting factor is saturation of the receiver by the transmitter. When presented with a signal at a strength
above the saturation point, the receiver cannot distinguish between pulses, though no hardware damage
10GBASE-LR-XFP SMF (Sin gle Mode Fiber) 10 km (6.21 mi) 2 m (6.6 ft) LC
10GBASE-ER-XFP SMF (Single Mode Fiber) 40 km (24.85 mi)2
2. Links longer than 30 km for the same link power budget are considered engineered links. Attenuation for such
links needs to be less than the minimum.
2 m (6.6 ft) with
minimum of 5 dB
10GBASE-ZR-XFP SMF (Single Mode Fiber) 80 km (49.7 mi) 2 m (6.6 ft) with
minimum of 11dB
10GBASE-SR-XFP MMF (Multimode Fiber) 300 m (984 ft) 2 m (6.6 ft) LC
Table A-5 COM Port Pin Assignments
Pin Signal Name Input/Output
1 Transmit Data (XMT) Output
2 Clear to Send (CTS) Input
3 Data Set Ready (DSR) Input
4 Receive Data (RCV) Input
5 Signal Ground (GND) NA
6 Request to Send (RTS) Output
7 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Output
8 Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Input