Power Supply / Sensor Voltage Selection


Power Supply / Sensor Voltage Selection

In order to determine the power supply voltage necessary to ensure correct full-scale operation, it is necessary to identify all voltage drops within the current loop.

Figures 6 and 7 show an EA800 drop of 4.0 VDC. This value accounts for the voltage drop generated by connecting the 4-20mA sensor to the EA800 using 1000 feet of 22 AWG wire.

Now it is only necessary to identify the operating voltage range of the 4-20mA sensor, more importantly the minimum operating voltage. Once identified, the minimum operating voltage of the sensor can be added to the 4.0V voltage drop of the EA800 (+ wire) to determine the power supply voltage necessary to ensure correct full-scale operation.


Assume that a 4-20mA sensor whose operating input voltage range is 10 – 30V has been selected for use. Therefore the minimum operating voltage of the sensor is 10V (Vsensor). When the 4.0V drop of the EA800 (and wire) is added, it can be determined that at least 14VDC is needed to power the loop.

If the EA800 is connected to a 12VDC power supply, use of the sensor in this example requires an external power supply of at least 14V as shown in Figure 7.

It is important to not exceed the maximum operating voltage of the 4-20mA sensor, as specified within the sensor’s product specification.

The following formula provides the basis for the selection matrix shown in Table 7. Please use Table 7 to select either the proper sensor rating to be used with a known power supply, or select a power supply for a known sensor rating.

RL < (Vcc – x) .023 where:

RL = Loop resistance of 200

Vcc = Power supplied to EA800 or Aux Power Out

X = Sensor voltage (max)

Table 7 4-20mA Voltage Select Matrix

Power Supplied to EA800

Vsensor (max.) [Maximum


Power Supplied to EA800 or

Vsensor (max.) [Maximum

or AUX. Power Out

sensor voltage rating]


AUX. Power Out

sensor voltage rating]






11 VDC



19 VDC

15 VDC






12 VDC



20 VDC

16 VDC






13 VDC



21 VDC

17 VDC






14 VDC

10 VDC


22 VDC

18 VDC






15 VDC

11 VDC


23 VDC

19 VDC






16 VDC

12 VDC


24 VDC

20 VDC






17 VDC

13 VDC


25 VDC

21 VDC






18 VDC

14 VDC


26 VDC

22 VDC








Page 16
Image 16
Enviro EA800 owner manual Power Supply / Sensor Voltage Selection