Operating or setup errors are indicated by flashing data on the display. Often, a programming error also results in an alarm for the misprogrammed relay. The table below shows and describes common error displays, along with corrective action. For updated information, go to the EA800 page at www.winland.com and look for the troubleshooting section.
Table 13 | Troubleshooting |
| Symptom | Cause | Corrective Action |
| |
Temperature reading indi- | Wired sensor is shorted | Ensure that the sensor connection is not shorted. | |
cates maximum when |
| A short equals zero resistance and thus the max- | |
temperature is actually |
| imum value. | |
less. |
| Wired sensor cable has a short. | Replace damaged cable. |
| Sensor has failed | Contact Winland Technical Services at |
| |
| |
Temperature reading indi- | Wired sensor is not connected | Ensure that the sensor is connected to the cor- | |
cates minimum when tem- |
| rect header pins. An open connection equals an | |
perature is actually |
| infinite resistance and thus the minimum value. | |
greater. |
| Wired sensor cable has an open. | Replace damaged cable. |
| Sensor has failed | Contact Winland Technical Services at |
| |
| |
Temperature display does | Incorrect sensor programmed | Verify the actual sensor connected to the sensor | |
not equal actual tempera- |
| input is programmed appropriately. Each temper- | |
ture. |
| ature sensor is limited to a specific operating |
| range. |
| |
Display flashes repeat- | The EA800 reboots repeatedly | Cycle power to the EA800 and wait for a period | |
edly between the Winland | and fails to successfully com- | of time before reapplying power. | |
Electronics Inc. screen | plete the boot process. | If a USB drive is attached to the USB port, | |
and a blank screen. |
| remove it and cycle power as noted above. | |
| If the problem recurs, contact Winland Technical |
| Service at |
| |
The display flashes while | A sensor's reading has | Verify the environmental conditions of the sen- | |
displaying the | exceeded a set limit. | sor. | |
ACTIVE ALARMS screen | A wireless sensor is not commu- | Verify the received signal strength as outlined in | |
| nicating with the base unit. | “Verifying RF Signal Strength” on page 72. |
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