ASCII | Dec. | Hex. | Description |
ESC&nn | 38 | 26 | Define |
| ESC |
| nl = First character number |
| n2 = Last character number |
| d0 = Left space of character |
| dl = Body width of character |
| d2 = Right space of character |
| data: 3 bytes required for each |
| character; super/subscript |
| requires only 2 bytes per |
| character |
ESC ( * nn | 4094 | 28 5E | Print Data as Characters |
| ESC ( * nl n2 data |
| n = nl + n2 x 256 |
| n: Amount of data |
| data: The following n bytes of data |
| printed as characters |
ASCll | Dec. | Hex. | Des&p tion |
ESC(Gnn | 40 71 | 28 47 | Select Graphics Mode |
| ESC(GlOn |
| n=lor49 |
| * Cancel Graphics mode with ESC @ |
ESC . nn | 46 | 2E | Print Raster Graphics |
| ESC.cvhmnln2data |
| c = 0: Full graphics mode |
1: Compressed mode
u = 10,20: Dot density for vertical in 3600/u DPI
h = 10,20: Dot density for horizontal in 3600/h DPI
m: Number of vertical dots 242m21
n: Number of horizontal dots Total dots = nl + n2 x 256
* The following combination is not allowed: z, = 10 and h = 20
A p p e n d i x A - 1 9