The table below lists the available fonts and shows how the FONT lights appear for each selection.






ABCDEFGhi j klmOl23456789



i 000 Epson Courier ~ABCDEFGhijklm0123456789

0.0Epson Roman T ABCDEFGhijklm0123456789

10 0 0 1 Epson Sans Serif H 1 ABCDEFGhijklmOl23456769

/0 0 0 1 Epson Roman 1 ABCDEFGhijklm0123456789

000 Epson Sans Serif ABCDEFGhi j klmO123456789

000 Epson Prestige ABCDEFGhijklmOl23456789

0.0 Epson Script A8CDEFGhijklm0123456789

0 on 0 off 6 flashing

Scalable fonts

The size of the Roman, Sans Serif, Roman T, and Sans Serif H fonts can be selected from 8 to 32 points in 2-point increments by using your software or by sending an ESC/P 2 command. See the documentation that came with your software for information on selecting the size of scalable fonts. See the Appendix for a list of ESC/P 2 commands.


Epson Epson Epson

Roman T

Epson Epson Epson

Sans Serif

Epson Epson Epson

Sans Serif H

Epson Epson Epson

E p s o n


Epson Epson

3-6 Using the Printer