Tips for Printing on Single Sheets
When you print on single sheets, you may notice that your printer prints the first page of your file correctly but then prints too low on the next page, or that it prints the last few lines from one page onto the next.
These differences in print position are easy to adjust; you can simply change some of the settings in your application program as described below to get the right results.
1.When you install an application program, it normally asks you what printer you are using. Make sure you choose the correct printer. See Chapter 1 for, the right printer to choose.
2.Many programs include an option to set the maximum lines per page. If your program has a
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3.If your program doesn’t have a
4.You can also try adjusting the form length setting. For a standard 8.5 x
5.Some programs also let you indicate whether you are using single sheets or continuous paper. Make sure you choose single sheets.