Using EPSON Smart Panel
Follow these steps to use EPSON Smart Panel to scan your document or photo:
1.Place your original document face down on the document table, as described on page 27.
2.Do one of the following to open the EPSON Smart Panel:
■Press the ] Start button on your scanner.
■In Windows, click the Smart Panel icon on the Windows taskbar.
■On a Macintosh, open the Apple menu and select EPSON SMART PANEL.
The ] Start button is set to open the Smart Panel by default. However, you can assign the ] Start button to automatically open any of the Smart Panel applications.
EPSON Smart Panel opens:
send photos or documents by
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) converts a scanned text image into text that you can edit in a word processing program
make copies of printed pages and photos
scans your image automatically and then opens it in Adobe PhotoDeluxe
reprint your photos in any
enlargements or combine several prints on one sheet
automatically scans your image and then opens it in any supported application program on your computer
select EPSON Smart Panel or a Smart Panel application to use with the ] Start button
Scanning from Start to Finish 29