You can load transparencies in the film holders or you can place them directly on the document table, as described in the following sections.
Three film holders are included with the transparency unit. To place film in the holders, see the instructions for the type of film you’re scanning. To remove a film holder from the document table, lift it out by its tab.
Hold the film by the edges or use gloves. Touching the film surface with bare hands can leave fingerprints or other marks on the film.
Film has two sides, a base side that is shiny and an emulsion side that is dull. The base side of the film has the film maker’s name and film ID numbers printed on it. Whether you load film in a film holder or place it directly on the document table, always place the base side down.
Loading 35 mm Negative or Positive
Insert a strip of film in the 35 mm film holder, base side facing down.
Then place the film holder on the document table. Align the upper left corner of the film holder with the upper left corner of the transparency unit. You can adjust the position of 35 mm film by sliding the strips in the film holder so the frames you want to scan are positioned in the window.
Using the Transparency Unit 47