Service, 67 to 68 Setting tips, 42
Settings, software, 39, 41, 42 Setup problems, 57
Slides, loading, 49 to 50 Smart Panel
copying, 35 documentation, 25 to 26 electronic manual, 25 to 26 overview, 29 to 30 scanning for creativity, 36 scanning from, 29 to 30 scanning to
Software problems, 59 to 60 reinstalling, 60
Software installation Macintosh, 17 to 21 Windows, 7 to 16, 19 to 21, 57
Software settings, 39, 41, 42 Software, uninstalling, 59, 60 Space requirements, 4
Start button scanner, 55 to 56 using, 30
Technical support, 67 to 68 Text, scanning, 42
Thick documents, 44 Transparency unit
installing, 45 to 46 removing, 52 troubleshooting, 58, 66 using, 46 to 51
Transparency, scanning, 42, 46 to 51 Transportation lock, 5 Transporting the scanner, 54
image quality, 61 to 66 scanner, 57 to 58 setup, 57
software, 59 to 60 transparency unit, 58, 66
TWAIN installation Macintosh, 17 to 18 Windows 2000, 13 to 16 Windows 98, 8 to 10 Windows Me, 11 to 13
Viewing electronic manuals, 23 to 26
Warranty, 73 to 74 Windows
installing software, 7 to 16, 19 to 21, 57 reinstalling software, 59, 60
screen calibration, 10, 12, 15 troubleshooting, 57 uninstalling software, 59, 60
Index 77