Data encryption, 79 to 80 Declaration of Conformity, 186 Default settings, restoring, 115 DHCP, 58, 62, 66, 165 Digital camera
projecting images from, 97 to 98 Direct Power On, 26
Distance from projector to screen, 16, 177 Documentation, 10
DVD player, connecting, 39 to 43
EAP authentication, 70 to 72
problems, 166 to 167 software, 171 to 173 starting, 48, 90
Electrical specifications, 178
changing monitoring interval, 140 monitoring the projector, 132 to 140 problems, 163 to 164
using, 132 to 140 EMP NS Connection
configuring projector for, 57 to 72 creating password for, 50 disconnecting, 75
EMP SlideMaker checking scenarios, 107
converting PowerPoint files, 99 to 100 creating scenarios, 99 to 106 problems, 166 to 167
setting up transitions, 105 to 106 transferring scenarios to drive, 108 to 109
Encryption, 55, 61, 68 to 69, 79 to 80 Environmental specifications, 179 Epson
accessories, 13 presentation tips, 11 PrivateLine Support, 10 technical support, 10, 168 to 169
ESSID, 52, 55, 61, 66, 76, 164 Ethernet unit, optional, 89 to 91 External drive, projecting from, 98 to 99
Filter, see Air filter
HDTV images, video formats, 181 Height of image, adjusting, 22 Help, 168 to 169