adjusting, 22 to 25, 116 to 117 blurry, 161
capturing and saving in projector, 124 to 125
correcting shape, 23 to 24, 120, 160 fitting on screen, 119, 159 to 160 height, adjusting, 22
problems with, 158 to 162 projecting on chalkboard, 32 raising, 22
Image menu, 116 to 117 Info menu, 157
Infrastructure mode, see Access Point mode Input signal, selecting, 19, 29, 40 to 43 Installing projector, 175 to 176 Installing software, 171 to 173
number of hours used, 157 ordering, 13
replacing, 148 to 151 specifications, 178 status light, 155 to 156
Laptop computer connecting to, 36 to 37
display problems, 20 to 21, 158 to 159 selecting source, 19, 29
LEAP authentication, 70 to 72 Lens, cleaning, 146
Lights, status, 155 to 156 Locking projector, 74
Logo, saving on projector, 124 to 126
configuring for wireless, 55 to 56, 65 to 67 display problems, 159
EasyMP system requirements, 172 resolution setting, 160
Manuals, 10 Menus
changing settings, 114 to 115 default settings, restoring, 115 Image, 116 to 117
network, 49, 51, 57, 67, 69, 70, 72, 90, 91 Signal, 118 to 119
User’s Logo, 124 to 125 Monitoring projector
Mouse compatibility, 177
connecting cable for remote, 38 to 39 using remote control as, 33
Movie files, using in scenarios, 102 to 105 Movie Sending Mode, 83 to 84 MPEG, 83, 112
Index 193