Page length

This option is only available when you use continuous paper with the optional push tractor. You can set the page length to 8.5, 11, 12, or 70/6 (A4) inches.

Skip over perforation

When this option is set to on, the printer ships over the perforations of continuous paper so that it provides a 1-inch margin between the last line printed on one page and the first line printed on the next page. Since most application programs insert their own top and bottom margins, you should use this feature only if your program does not provide it. This feature is active only if you install the optional push tractor.

Tear-off position

When you use continuous paper with the optional push tractor, this feature advances the paper so you can tear off the printed page and then reverses the paper so you can use all of the next sheet. You can choose from two tear-off positions with this printer.

If you select On cutter, the printer feeds the paper perforation to the paper cutter on the edge of the printer cover. If you select Above cutter, the printer feeds the perforation about 25 mm (1 inch) beyond the printer cover.

TOF (top-of-form) position

Whenever you press the FF button or send the form feed command, the printer loads paper to the set top-of-form (TOF) position. The TOF position is factory set to the 0 position, which is 8.5 mm (0.33 inches) from the top edge of the paper. You can set this position from 5.5 mm (-3) to 11.5 mm (+3) in 1-mm increments.