3.Press the FONT button until the FONT lights indicate the language of your choice; then press the FF button to make your selection.

Once you press the FF button, the printer prints the current default settings and further instructions in the selected language. After printing is finished, go to the next step.

4.If you want more help text to be printed, press the FONT button. After printing is finished, go to the next step.

If you do not want to print additional help text, press the FF button and go to the next step immediately.


When you first use the default-setting mode, it is a good idea to press the FONT button to print the help text before changing default settings. The printed text guides you through the operation. Once you are familiar with the operation, press the FF button to skip printing.

5.Use the following table to chose the setting you want to change. Then press the FONT button as many times as necessary until the FONT lights match your selection.

3-8 Using the Printer