If you selected a multiple page print layout option (as described on page
You can create up to 10 custom watermarks from PICT files up to 1MB in size.
To delete a custom watermark you’ve added to the list, click the Add/Delete button. Then select the watermark and click Delete. Click Save to close the dialog box.
Custom Printing
1.To use one of the predefined watermarks, click the arrow in the Name
Confidential Draft Urgent Priority Hot
Do Not Copy
For Your Eyes Only Review Copy
Top Secret Duplicate
Then go to step 3.
2.To load a custom watermark you’ve created as a PICT file in an application program, click the Add/Delete button. You see the following dialog box:
Click the Add button to select a PICT file
Click the Add button. You see a dialog box for selecting files. Navigate to the folder containing the PICT file you want to use, select the file, and click Open.
The name of your PICT file appears in the Name field and is added to the Watermark List. Click the Save button to close the dialog box.
The custom watermark now appears as the selected watermark in the Layout dialog box and is shown in the Layout graphic.