Managing Print Jobs
Selecting Configuration Options
You can configure the way you want the printer to handle error messages, warnings, ink level checks, and temporary spool folders in the Configuration Settings dialog box. Follow these steps:
1.Choose Page Setup or Print from the File menu in your application. You see a printer settings dialog box.
2.Click the Utility button. You see the Utility menu.
3.Click the Configuration button. You see the Configuration Settings dialog box:
Printing stops when these messages appear
Printing continues when these messages appear
Spooled print job files are stored in these folders
Click here to check for errors and/or ink levels before printing
Click here to select the default configuration settings
4.Select the configuration options you want:
◗Error notification lets you select whether you want your system to beep and display error message text or just display text if your printer encounters an error.
◗Warning lets you choose whether warning messages beep and display text or display text only.