3. Make any corrections you want to the photos.
Remember to
4.If you only want to print selected images, click the thumbnails for the images you want while holding down the Option key.
5.Click the Layout button, or select Print Layout from the File menu.
6.Click the Print Setup button. Your printer software opens.
7.Choose 4 × 6 in as the Paper Size, and Roll Paper (Zero Margins) as the Paper Source. Select Banner Mode, and then choose Landscape as the Orientation.
8.Click Options, and choose Premium Glossy Photo Paper as the Media Type.
9.Click OK, then click OK again to close your printer software.
10.Select 4 × 6 from the layout list on the Image Expert toolbar. Your first image
appears on the screen. (To view all of your images in the sequence in which they’ll print, click the Next Page button.)
11. Click the Print button. Then click Print to begin printing.