As the perfect print partner for your Sony® Memory Stick® products, the EPSON Stylus® Photo 875DCS makes it quick and easy to go from digital image capture to brilliant digital image printing. Just insert your Memory Stick into the PC card adapter included with your
You can also use a memory card that conforms to PCMCIA Flash ATA standards with your printer. The instructions for using a Memory Stick also apply to your memory card.
You will need to purchase an adapter compatible with your card to replace the PC card adapter that came with the printer.
About Your Documentation
To set up your printer and install its software, see the Start Here poster. This book contains system requirements, important safety information, and instructions on:
■viewing your electronic printer manual
■printing with Windows or on a Macintosh
■using special papers
■using your Memory Stick
■maintaining the printer
■solving basic problems
For more details about printing with, maintaining, or troubleshooting your printer, see your electronic Reference Guide. For instructions on viewing it, see page 2.