When you finish your scan directly from EPSON Scan, you see the File Save Settings window.
If the Show this dialog box before next scan check box is cleared, the File Save Settings window does not appear automatically. To open the window, click the arrow to the right of the Scan button on the EPSON Scan window and then select File Save Settings.
1.In the File Save Settings window, specify the file folder in which you want to save your scanned image. Click Browse (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) and select the folder.
2.Specify a file name prefix with an alphanumeric character string. A
With Windows, the following characters cannot be used in the prefix.
\, /, :, ., *, ?, ", <, >, . On a Macintosh, you cannot use a colon (:) in the prefix.
Selecting EPSON Scan Settings 63