
PhotoPC has two resolution settings, high and standard. Press the resolution control button to switch from one setting to the other. The settings appear on the control panel as shown.


resolution button

High resolution

Images are captured at 640 × 480 pixels. Your pictures include more detail, but the camera may hold only 16 pictures (factory setting).

Standard resolution

S Images are captured at 320 × 240 pixels. The camera holds at least 32 pictures, but the images include less detail.

You can switch freely between the two settings and store both standard and high resolution pictures in the camera. The camera’s capacity varies accordingly. For example, the camera holds 24 pictures if you take 8 at high resolution and 16 at standard resolution.


Choose high resolution if you want “snapshot”-size or larger pictures. Standard resolution is sufficient for “wallet”-size pictures.

The following examples show the same image captured at standard and high resolution.

2-6Taking Pictures with PhotoPC