CFG (configuration) file

A file that provides the System Configuration program with all the information it needs about your system board or an option card. Most EISA and ISA cards come with CFG files. Some CFG files for ISA cards are included on the Reference 3 diskette.


Color Graphics Adapter. A type of display adapter card that can generate up to 25 lines of text with 80 characters on each line, monochrome graphics at 640 x 200 resolution, or four- color graphics at 320 x 200 resolution.


Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor. A type of low-power silicon chip.

A system of symbols for representing data or instructions. Also any software program or part of a program.

Command prompt

The symbol or message that tells you your operating system is loaded and ready to receive instructions. The default command prompt displays the current drive and directory. If you are logged onto drive C, the command prompt may look like this: c : > .


The particular setup of a group of components. A typical system configuration consists of a computer with one diskette drive and one hard disk drive connected to a monitor and a printer.

G l o s s a r y 3