
The first time you configure your computer, you must run the program from the Reference 1 diskette and it is best to always run it from there.

How to Use This ChapterThis chapter is divided into the following four sections:

CI The Configuration Process describes the various aspects of configuring your computer using the System Configuration program. It also tells you how to use the keyboard or a mouse with the program and how to use on-line help.

tl Configuring Your System provides step-by-step instructions for running the System Configuration program and is organized in the order in which you should perform the operations.

CI Using Alternate Configuration Files tells you how to create and use alternate configuration files, should you find it necessary to do so.

Ll Using Special Modes tells you how to configure your computer by running it in special operating modes, such as non-target modeling mode.

Read “The Configuration Process” first to familiarize yourself with all aspects of the configuration process. Then perform the configuration operations in the order they are described under “Configuring Your System.”

If you need to create alternate configuration files or run the program in special modes, see pages 2-19 or 2-21, respectively.

2-2 Running System Configuration