b)Turn the DIP switch
c)Set the adequate ASCII code data to be printed. To obtain low logic level signals, connect the data transfer line required for printing (pin
Nos. 2 to 9) to GND level (pin No. 33, etc.)
*Example of printing “Z”
In this case, connect pin Nos. 2, 4, 7 and 9 to pin No. 33.
5.Setting of DIP SwitchesIn order to suit the user’s specific requirements, desired control modes are selectable by the two
NOTE: Turn the power off whenever you attempt to open up the printer case. Adequately discharge static electricity which might be charged in your body, or it may cause damages to internal electronic parts such as LSl’s, IC’s, etc.
Remove the manual paper feed knob (black knob on the right side) by pulling it straight out, with firm but steady force. (See Fig. 50)
Fig. 50 Removing Manual Paper Feed Knob
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