The “ESCAPE” codes used in the MX-82 should not be confused with the escape key which some computers have. So be familiar with EPSON’S control codes.

(3)“+” symbol

You will see “+” symbol often in the explanation or description of control codes from now on.

This symbol is used for legibility only and may not be input in your actual pro- gram.

(4)2, D (or Dec.) and H (or Hex.)

( )z, ( )D and < >H respectively represent binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers.

3. Control Codes in the Text Mode

With the MX-82 two standard operation modes are available. One is the Text Mode which prints corresponding characters on normal ASCII coded inputs and the other, the Bit Image Mode which permits printing of pictures and images in dot configura- tions. The Text Mode is described in this section while the Bit Image Mode is covered in the following section.

The MX-82 has been designed as a terminal unit capable of various software con- trols. When control codes are transferred to the Printer, respective functions governed by these codes such as form feed, line feed, etc. are executed immediately. In order to permit the Printer to fully exhibit these functions, careful reading and thorough understanding of the following control codes are recommended. In this sec- tion, first the control codes in text mode are classified into groups. These two modes are not fully independent of each other in that parameters set in the Text Mode are also effective in the Bit Image.

(1)Print action codes CR... Carriage return LF... Line feed

VT... Vertical tabulation FF... Form feed

(2)Paper formatting control codes


ESC D, HT... Tabulation ESC 0... Column length


ESC B. VT... Tabulation

ESC 0. ESC 2. ESC A... Line spacing ESC C, FF... Form length, form feed ESC N, ESC O... Skip-over perforation

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