(6)BS (Back Space)
The BS code cancels the data immediately preceding this code in the Text Mode. In other words, one byte data stored prior to the BS code is cleared from the print buffer, as though that data has not been transferred from the host com- puter. Note that this code is valid only in the Text Mode.
(7)NUL (Null)
The NUL code is regarded as the termination for tabulation setting sequence. The lack of the NUL code would cause incorrect data printout.
(8)ESC KInput of this code in the Text Mode causes the Printer’s operation mode to be converted from Text to
input of this code in the Text Mode causes the Printer to perform
Most of the
For example, in the CBM computer there is a set of 64 special graphic characters that can be used to draw and plot with. On the other hand, the APPLE II computer has no graphic characters but a rich variety of graphic statements that allow you to control any dot in a
To do that you have to switch the printer from the text mode to the bit image mode by inputting an escape code. This bit image mode expands the ability of the printer. The printer enters bit image mode when ESC K or ESC L code is input, and utilizes a raster scan technique that enables the printing of vertical columns of 8 dots across a page during each pass of the print head. To receive bit image data, RAM (128 bytes) of an IC on the control circuit board is used exclusively. When the bit image data received by the printer exceeds the RAM capacity, the printer will start printing bit image data from the
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