(9) FF (Form Feed)
See paragraph 3.1 (4) above.
(10) ESC C + n (for setting a form length)
ESC C + n (n + 0), ESC C + [O]H + m (for setting form length)
The “ESC C + n” codes specifies the form length which is determined by the number of lines (n: 1 s (n)n $ 127 where the value of “n” is a positive number and must not exceed 127 lines). In other words, the maximum form length is 127 lines. The amount of line spacing when this code is input is a predetermined numerical value by ESC A+ n. When the form length is not programmed by the ESC C + n code, one page is assumed as 66 lines with the DIP switch pin
NOTES: 1. With the ESC + n code, the form length can be defined by the number of lines using the amount of line spacing set by the ESC A
+ n code. With the ESC C + [O]H + m code, the form length can be defined as an absolute quantity in unit of inches.
2.Input of “ESC C” code cancels theVT set by “ESC6” and the skipover perforation set by “ESC N’.
3.< 0 > Hdenotes hexadecimal “00”.
(1 1) ESC N + n (n # 0) (for setting
The ESC N + n code is used to set the
For example, if the last three lines of a page is to be skipped, the value of n must be entered as “3”. Note that the value of n cannot be set greater than the form length specified by the ESC C + n code.
When the current form length is changed by the input of the ESC C + n or ESC C + <O>H + m code again, the amount of
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