Megahertz (MHz)

A unit used to measure oscillation frequency of a computer’s internal timing clock. One megahertz is one million cycles per second. The Equity Ie computer operates at 8 or 10 MHz.


The area where the computer stores data. Memory contents can be permanent (ROM) or temporary (RAM). See also ROM and RAM.


A version of a CPU that is contained on one semiconductor chip.


A device that allows a computer to transmit signals over telephone lines so it can send and receive data. Modem stands for Modulator/ DEModulator.


The piece of hardware that contains the screen and displays information.

Monochrome monitor

A monitor that displays only one color (as opposed to a color monitor, which can display several colors).


A hand-held pointing device, usually with buttons. When you slide the mouse over a flat surface in a certain direction, the cursor moves in the same direction on the screen.


The operating system from Microsoft that comes with your computer. See Operating system.

Numeric keypad

The number keys grouped on the right side of the keyboard.

Operating speed

The speed at which the central processing unit can execute commands. The Equity Ie can run at 8 or 10 MHz. Also called execution speed.

